State benefits

MT Ortho society, presented on 30/07/2023 a support request prog. N. MI3-S2-00000432 –
CUP: B55B21001920004 – for the New Tender Notice of Innovative Machinery, whom Administrative Order- 30/10/2019- ASSE VI React EU – Investment Priority 13i Azione 3.1.1. – financed in response of European Union to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Applying Measurement of grant – Cod. Concession RNA – COR. 4670858 – MISE licensed to the above- mentioned society a support to an equal extent of €394.110,00, of which € 183.918,0, as a government grant received and €210.192,00 as subsidized loan.
The Investment Program, object of the above-mentioned request, of €525.480, involved the acquire of the following equipment’s:
- Turning Centre with axle Y and Counter Spindle
- Vacuum washing machine KP 50HMA
- Automatic Machine for Cannula’s Refill
Object of this Investment’s program is to realize innovation and to upgrade the level of technological efficiency and flexibility in production, and to allow the digital transformation of our company, by means of new technologies on the New Business Plan 4.0